Saturday 17 May 2014

Reflective Piece (Unit X)

I did my best to attend every lecture, seminar and cinema screening I could. I found the cinema trips useful; as I had something to write about, and enjoyable. I also felt the lectures on blogging, particularly the Noel Mellor lecture, was extremely useful as it helped shape the way I approached all my blog posts. By keeping a media diary, I was able to see what genres of program and which types of media I did not consume as often and this helped broaden the scope of my media consumption.

I noticed, through my media diary, that early on in my work I stuck almost exclusively to consuming limited media which inevitably influenced the content of my blog and discussions. I focused mainly on reviewing music and films. By reflecting on my media diary I noticed the limitations in my work. By the second week I made an active attempt to leave my comfort zone and engage in a wider variety of media. I began gaming and watching reality television and though I did not necessarily enjoy the latter, I found it far easier to write.
I usually communicated my ideas by talking directly, both in and outside of seminars, or text messaging my peers. I think the fact I did not use social media as a platform to do this demonstrates the limited nature of my engagement to certain types of media.

By attending the blogging lectures and researching and watching other bloggers and writers, I feel I have developed a more unique writing style. The unit has demonstrated to me the volume of opinions and thoughts about all types of media communicated through online mediums. The blogging element of the unit is something that interested me as I enjoy writing and hope to perhaps one day pursue a career in journalism.

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